Saturday 15 March 2008

More Trouble

Oh well ,TVR ownership looks like being a real roller coaster ride. I am not complaining though, modern cars are so boring and uninvolving.

Friday the Chimp had a flat battery after the awful weather we had. It had sat around for 5 days so I guess I need to use it more, though it is a new battery. I guess the alarm system is to blame.

The hood is still leaking as well, but I think this may be due to the fact that the "Elephant Ears" are missing. Apparently these seal the bottom of the hood and I can;t see any on my car.

Friday Evening I had driven through town, went to the cash point and then quickly stopped again to put some fuel in and the Chimp refused to start. Everything seemd OK, except when you turned the key to the start position nothing happened. I did notice the warning lights dimmed slightly when I turned the key so figured that because she was now running hotter the resistance in the starter wiring had increased to a point where she wouldn't turn over. Sure enough after 20 minutes, she started fine. This is a common TVR problem and somehow I will have to insulate the starter wiring from the hot exhaust pipes.

Apart from that she is running nicely, no squeks, rattles, bumps or other untoward noises, though again if you leave her for a few days, the tick over is noticeably higher for several miles, but settles down eventually.

The wife has an Audi TT (180hp) and she enjoys a laugh, so on the dual carriageway on the way home the other night we "explored the performance envelope" of our respective vehicles. Suffice to say the TVR is much quicker all through the speed range! It also handles like it is on rails as well, as nothing has been able to get near me on roundabouts or twisty roads either.

The Steve Heath bible has arrived and is a good read, though I don't agreewith all he says, especially concerning oils. It is a weighty tome so will take a while to digest.

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