Sunday 10 February 2008

Engine Investigation

As suspected RPI found the thermostat was not operating and so it was replaced with an 82 degrees celcius item. Rover V8s can suffer from all kinds of maladies if they run too hot and as the TVR installation with the exhausts running round in front of the engine can cause high under hood temperatures I figured I would see how it went with the colder thermostat fitted. An 88 degree thermostat is available if required.

RPI noted my temperature guage was under reading by 10 degrees, which I had suspected as the fans cut in at an indicated 80 degrees instead of the 90 degrees I knew they were set to.

The ignition module (spark amplifier) was also changed from the Lucas Item to the RPI amplifier more often used in LPG conversions. This also requires a different coil to be fitted. In total £227 was spent.

The car certainly felt a lot better but I soon got stuck in traffic and neede to get to work so couldn't really notice the difference, but there did seem to be a "flat spot" in the power.
I started to drive home after work and the car ran horribly except at tickover. I limped home at 50 mph. It was late Friday, so I called RPI on Saturday and they told me to bring the car over right away.

The car ran better on the way there but there was still very little power. Chris at RPI took charge and in a few minutes it was established that the Timing marks on the Rover engine were out and the timing had been set too far retarded. Now the engine was running hotter and leaner it needed a lot more advance. With the timing changed the cars performance was totally restored.

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